Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Medical College Jabalpur

नेताजी सुभाष चंद्र बोस मेडिकल कॉलेज जबलपुर

About Us


S. No. Recruitment Title Adv Date
1 Final Notice DV of Under the selection list dated 27 Jan 2022 issued by the PEB for recruitment to the vacant posts of Staff Nurse of MCJ 18-02-2025
2 Advertisement for the post of assistant professor in NSCB medical College Jabalpur 17-02-2025
3 Advertisement for the post of Medical Officer in Burn Unit in NSCB medical College Jabalpur 17-02-2025
4 Advertisement for the post of GDMO, Lady medical officer & Casuality Medical Officer in NSCB medical College Jabalpur & Associated Hospital 17-02-2025
5 Regarding advertisement of Junior Resident in Superspecialty hospital medical college jabalpur 07-02-2025
6 Selection waiting list for Lab Technician and Data manager post Under Contracual basis for AMR 04-02-2025
7 Notice Regarding cancellation of Advertisement no. 565 Dated 20.01.2025 29-01-2025
8 Final Notice DV of Under the selection list dated 27 Jan 2022 issued by the PEB for recruitment to the vacant posts of Staff Nurse of MCJ 23-01-2025
9 Notice Regarding cancellation of Advertisement no. 9131 Dated 07.10.2023 22-01-2025
10 Advertisement for class 3 post for in service candidate (seemit vigyapti) 20-01-2025
11 Regarding Interview for Lab Technician and Data manager post Under Contracual basis for AMR 14-01-2025
12 Selection List of Senior Resident in Superspecialty hospital medical college jabalpur 01-01-2025
13 information DV of Under the selection list dated 27 Jan 2022 issued by the PEB for recruitment to the vacant posts of Staff Nurse of MCJ 24-12-2024
14 Advertisement regarding senior resident in Superspecialty hospital medical college jabalpur 19-12-2024
15 Notice regarding cancellation of Advertisement for the vacancy of Staff nurses dated 21-09-2023 in SEPM 18-12-2024
16 Final Notice - Document verification for the Post of Sleep technician in SEPM (MPESB Group 5) 13-12-2024
17 Notice Regarding cancellation of walk in interview for senior resident in Medical College jabalpur 07-12-2024
18 Walk in interview notice for Senior Resident in NSCB medical College Jabalpur 02-12-2024
19 Selection waiting list of faculties interview conducted for the post of professor and associate professor in NSCB medical College Jabalpur 22-11-2024
20 Selection waiting list of faculties interview conducted for the post of professor in opthalmology NSCB medical College Jabalpur 22-11-2024
21 NOTICE -Document verification of waiting list candidates for the post of Sleep technician in SEPM (Group 5) 18-11-2024
22 Selection list in atf scheme in psychiatry department 08-11-2024
23 Group 5- Document verification of waiting list candidates for the post of Sleep technician in SEPM 24-10-2024
24 Selection waiting list in atf psychiatry department nscb medical College Jabalpur 22-10-2024
25 Eligibility List for interview for the post of professor and associate professor in medical College jabalpur 16-10-2024
26 Notice for interview of faculties in NSCB medical College Jabalpur 14-10-2024
27 Final notice for Group 5 Waiting list Candidates SEPM 04-10-2024
28 Selection and waiting list of Senior resident and Junior resident in SEPM 03-10-2024
29 Selection list of senior resident in nscb medical College Jabalpur 01-10-2024
30 information regarding cancellation of advertisement dated 01.10.2024 01-10-2024
31 Provisional Eligibility List for Interview for Psychiatric Department 01-10-2024
32 Notice regarding S.R. advertisement in NSCB Medical College Jabalpur 30-09-2024
33 Senior and junior resident walk in interview notice in sepm Jabalpur 24-09-2024
34 Regarding Walk in Interview of SR in various department 23-09-2024
35 selection & waiting list for junior Resident in skin v.d. department 19-09-2024
36 Waiting list of group 5 for SEPM 18-09-2024
37 Junior Resident Advertisement in NSCB medical College Jabalpur 11-09-2024
38 Group 4 , Final Notice for Waiting List candidate 10-09-2024
39 Group 5 , Final Notice for Waiting List candidate 10-09-2024
40 Final List of Senior Resident 02-09-2024
41 In House Advt. for the Post of Professor and Asso. Professor 28-08-2024
42 Walk in Interview for Various posts under Contractual basis in Addiction Treatment Facility 27-08-2024
43 Advertisement for SR 16-08-2024
44 Advertisement for Assistant professor in Speech in BASLP 16-08-2024
45 Selection/Waiting List of Junior Resident In SSH 12-08-2024
46 Walk in interview for the post of audiologist grade II in BASLP course under ENT department, NSCB medical College Jabalpur 08-08-2024
47 Regarding Extension in post of JR in Neonetology 07-08-2024
48 Notice Regarding cancellation of Advertisement no. 4276 Dated 19.05.2023. for the various post of hospital management in NSCB MEDICAL COLLEGE JABALPUR 31-07-2024
49 Advertisement for Junior Resident in Super Specialty Hospital 30-07-2024
50 Notice Regarding cancellation of Advertisement no. 1829 Dated 27.02.2024 26-07-2024
51 Advertisement for Posts of Professors in various Department for Govt. Medical Colleges under the Dept of Public Health and Medical Education 24-07-2024
52 Advertisement for Posts of Assi. Professors in various Department for Govt. Medical Colleges under the Dept of Public Health and Medical Education 24-07-2024
53 Advertisement for Posts of Asso. Professors in various Department for Govt. Medical Colleges under the Dept of Public Health and Medical Education 24-07-2024
59 Eligibility List of Senior Resident in Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 09-07-2024
60 PEB-4 Document Verification 04-07-2024
61 PEB-5 Document Verification 04-07-2024
62 Selection list of Senior Resident in NSCB Medical College Jabalpur 04-07-2024
64 Advertisement for senior resident in Superspecialty hospital medical College jabalpur 25-06-2024
67 Regarding Post of Professor (Director) in School fo Excellance in Pulmonary Medicine 15-04-2024
68 Information regarding cancellation of advertisement for recruitment by direct appointment/ deputation on faculty posts in SEPM Jabalpur 20-03-2024
69 Information Regarding Cancellation of Interview for the Post of Asstt. and Associate Prof. in N.S.C.B. Medical College and SCI Jbp 19-03-2024
70 Advertisement notice for recruitment by direct appointment, Deputation on Faculty posts (Amended) for SEPM NSCB MCJ 18-03-2024
71 Corrigendum notice for recruitment by direct appointment, Deputation on Faculty posts for School of Excellence in Pulmonary Medicine 18-03-2024
72 Revised Eligibility List for Hospital management posts in NSCB medical College and Associated hospitals 18-03-2024
73 Selection & waiting list for the various posts of Hospital management in N.S.C.B Medical College and Associated hospital Jbp 16-03-2024
74 Provisionally Eligibility List for the Post of Assoc. Prof. & Asstt. Prof. in Various Dept. Of N.S.C.B. Medical College Jbp 15-03-2024
75 Provisionally Eligibility List for the Post of Asstt. Prof. in Various Dept. Of SCI N.S.C.B. Medical College Jbp 15-03-2024
76 Advertisement notice for recruitment by direct appointment, Deputation on Faculty posts for School of Excellence in Pulmonary Medicine 14-03-2024
77 Selection and waiting list of Senior Resident Medical College Jabalpur 12-03-2024
78 Corrigendum Notice for the post of Senior Resident NSCB Medical College Jabalpur 07-03-2024
79 Advertisement for the Recruitment of Professor.Assoc. Professor. Asstt. Professor and GDMO for Super Speciality Hospital Jabalpur 06-03-2024
80 Corrigendum Notice for the post of Senior Resident NSCB Medical College Jabalpur 05-03-2024
81 Regarding Document verification Group-4 in NSCB Medical College Jabalpur 05-03-2024
82 Regarding senior resident working in various departments in nscb medical College jabalpur 29-02-2024
83 Advertisement for senior resident in nscb medical College Jabalpur 29-02-2024
84 In House recrutiment for the post of Prof & Asso. Prof In State Cancer Institute Jabalpur 27-02-2024
85 Regarding verification of documents of the candidates selected in School of Excellence in Pulmonary Medicine in Group 5 Joint Recruitment Examination 23-02-2024
86 Regarding Document verification EB5 22-02-2024
87 Regarding verification of documents of the candidates selected in Group 5 Joint Recruitment Examination 2023 by Staff Selection Board, Madhya Pradesh 21-02-2024
88 Selection of Senior Resident in Super Speciality Hospital Medical College Jabalpur 19-02-2024
89 Advertisement for the Post of Senior Resident Superspeciality Hospital NSCB Medical College Jabalpur 05-02-2024
90 Selection and waiting list of S R and J R Medical College Jabalpur 26-12-2023
91 Notice regarding deletion of one post of SR under S C Category of Pediatrics Department 26-12-2023
92 Advertisement for the post of Contractual Staff Nurse Under NHM NSCB Medical College Jabalpur 22-12-2023
93 Advertisement for the post of Assoc.Prof.and Asstt.Prof N.S.C.B.Medical College Jabalpur 18-12-2023
94 Advertisement for the post of Asstt. Prof , State Cancer Institute Jabalpur 18-12-2023
95 Advertisement for the post of Profssor , Deptt. of Dermatology ,N.S.C.B. Medical Jabalpur 18-12-2023
96 Selection and Waiting List of Senior Resident 15-12-2023
98 Notice regarding SR Interview 11-12-2023
99 Advertisement for the Post of Senior Resident and Junior Resident NSCB Medical College Jabalpur 05-12-2023
100 Selection and waiting List of Prof., Assoc. Prof. and Asstt. Prof. NSCB Medical College Jabalpur MP 04-12-2023
101 Provisionally Eligibility Not Eligibility List for the Post of Prof. Assoc. Prof. & Asstt. Prof. in House Recruitment N.S.C.B. Medical College Jabal 07-11-2023
102 Notice Regarding Cancellation of advertisement for the Post of Prof.,Assoc.Prof.and Asst. Professor Medical College Jabalpur 31-10-2023
103 Notice Regarding Cancellation of Corrigendum 19-10-2023
104 Advertisement for Class 3 post for in service candidates ( Seemit Vigyapti ) 10-10-2023
105 Provisionally Eligibility list for the Post of Hospital Management System N.S.C.B. Medical College Jabalpur 10-10-2023
106 Advertisement for the Post of Prof.,Assoc.Prof.and Asstt. Professor Medical College Jabalpur 07-10-2023
107 Revised Notification for Staff Nurse S E P M 06-10-2023
108 Walk in Interview for MDRU 27-09-2023
109 Walk in Interview of SR and JR for SEPM 27-09-2023
110 SNCU Staff Nurse Selection List NHM 26-09-2023
111 Selection list of Senior Resident Superspecialty Hospital MCJ 26-09-2023
112 Notice of Postponement of Advertisement for the Posts of Dy. Registrar, Hospital manager , Asst. Hospital manager and Biomdical Engineer 25-09-2023
113 JR Selection list of S E P M 23-09-2023
114 S R Selection List of S E P M 23-09-2023
115 S R Selection List of S E P M 23-09-2023
116 Advertisement for the post of Prof. , Assoc.Prof and Asstt. Prof. for in-house Faculties 22-09-2023
117 Advertisement for the Post of Staff Nurse in S.E.P.M. Jabalpur 21-09-2023
118 Eligibility List of Junior Resident in Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 21-09-2023
119 Provisionally Eligibility list for the Post of Hospital Management System N.S.C.B. Medical College Jabalpur 20-09-2023
120 Corrigendum Regarding SR & JR Walk in Interview for Superspecialty Hospital MCJ 13-09-2023
121 SR & JR for Walk in Interview for School of Excellence in Pulmonary Medicine Jabalpur 13-09-2023
122 Selection list / Waiting list of SR & JR 11-09-2023
123 Result - Project Technician IPEM Project 11-09-2023
124 Advertisement regarding SR & JR Interview for Superspecialty Hospital MCJ 11-09-2023
125 Notice regarding SR Interview 04-09-2023
126 Advertisement for S . R . and J . R . N.S.C.B. Medical College Jabalpur 01-09-2023
127 Selection and Waiting list for the post of Assistant Professor in SCI 23-08-2023
128 Document verification of Samvida Staff Nurse SNCU NHM (from Waiting List) 17-08-2023
129 Corrigendum of date for the post of assistant professor in SCI 16-08-2023
130 Candidature cancellation order of G.D.M.O 14-08-2023
131 Notice for Document Verification and Interview State Cancer Institute 11-08-2023
132 Walk in Interview for Project Technician for (IPEM field Worker) 11-08-2023
133 SEPM Faculty Interview Result dated 07-08-2023 08-08-2023
134 Interview Information Assistant Professor For S E P m 07-08-2023
135 Interview Information for Professor for S E P M 07-08-2023
136 Provisionally Eligibility/Not Eligible List for Document Verification for the post of Asstt. Professor 07-08-2023
137 Selection list of Assoc.Prof. and Asstt. Prof. Super Speciality Hospita 27-07-2023
138 Corrigendum Revised date for Document Verification Staff Nurse for SNCU. NHM 27-07-2023
139 Order of Staff Nurse Paediatric department (SNCU) - NHM 21-07-2023
140 Order regarding Scrutiny of original documents of Staff Nurse Paediatric department (SNCU) - NHM 21-07-2023
141 Notice regarding cancellation of SR Walk in Interview 21-07-2023
142 Walk in Interview for the post of Senior Resident in various departments in NSCB Medical College Jabalpur 20-07-2023
143 Information regarding Admit Card of various posts of Hospital Management 20-07-2023
144 Provisional Eligibility List for the Post of Asso. Professor and Ass. Professor In Super Specialty Hospital NSCB Medical College 11-07-2023
145 Information regarding Advertisement for various post in Upgraded Neuro Surgery Department SSH Jabalpur 11-07-2023
146 Information Regarding the deletion of the advertised Posts from the Release 07-07-2023
147 Advertisement notice for recruitment by direct appointment/deputation on faculty posts in SEPM 03-07-2023
148 Merit and Wating list of GDMO 27-06-2023
149 Merit and Wating list of Medical Officer and Surgeon Burn and Plastic 27-06-2023
150 Merit and Waiting list of Professor, Asso. Professor and Assi. Professor for Medical College Jabalpur 27-06-2023
151 Merit and Waiting list of Professor, Asso. Professor and Assi. Professor for Super Speciality hospital 27-06-2023
152 Notice for Interview & Document verification for Professor, Assoc Professor & Asst Professor 16-06-2023
153 Notice for Interview & Document verification for various posts in Burn Unit MCJ 16-06-2023
154 Notice regarding Interview of Assistant Professor in Surgery department 16-06-2023
155 Revised Interview Notice 13-06-2023
156 Provisionally Eligible/Not Eligible list for the post of GDMO in Medical College Jabalpur 12-06-2023
157 Provisionally Eligible/Not Eligible list for the post of Anesthesiologist & Medical Officer in Burn Unit Medical College Jabalpur 12-06-2023
158 Provisionally Eligible/Not Eligible list for the post of Professor, Assoc Professor & Asst Professor in Superspeciality Hospital Jabalpur 12-06-2023
159 Provisionally Eligible/Not Eligible list for the post of Professor, Assoc Professor & Asst Professor in Medical College Jabalpur 12-06-2023
160 Order of Staff Nurse NHM in Paediatric Department 29-05-2023
161 Scrutiny committee for Staff Nurse NHM in Paediatric Department 29-05-2023
162 Regarding ammendment in Post of Medical Officer through MP Online 29-05-2023
163 Advertisement for the post of Assistant Professor in State Cancer Institute Medical College Jabalpur 23-05-2023
164 Advertisement for Various posts of Hospital Management and Medical Records Officer through MP Online 23-05-2023
165 selection list OT Attendant SEPM 18-05-2023
166 Press Release and Online Recruitment Form for Govt Medical College Satna 16-05-2023
167 Interview Result of Professor and Associate Professor S E P M 10-05-2023
168 Notice for Interview S E P M 09-05-2023
169 Document Verification for O T Attendant S E P M 09-05-2023
170 Advertisement for the Recruitment of Professor.Assoc. Professor and Asstt. Professor for Super Speciality Hospital Jabalpur 03-05-2023
171 Result of Interview held on 11-04-23 20-04-2023
172 Direct Recruitment Notification for the post of Professor, Assistant Professor and Associate Professor 18-04-2023
173 Direct Recruitment Notification for the post Causality Medical Officer/ Lady Medical Officer /General Duty Medical Officer 18-04-2023
174 Direct Recruitment Notification For Burn Unit 18-04-2023
175 Eligibility list of Senior Resident & Junior Resident in Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 18-04-2023
176 Interview Notice 18-04-23 - School of Excellence in Pulmonary Medicine 15-04-2023
177 Scrutiny Result - School of Excellence in Pulmonary Medicine 15-04-2023
178 Selection list of Senior Resident in Dental Department 13-04-2023
179 Interviews results for the Faculty and Medical Officers posts in School of Excellence in Pulmonary Medicine 08-04-2023
180 Walk in Interview Notification for Multiple Posts under Contractual for central Government projects 06-04-2023
181 Eligibility list of Senior Resident (Dental) 04-04-2023
182 Notice regarding Walk in Interview for Senior Resident in Dental Department 04-04-2023
183 SR and JR walk in Interview 04-04-2023
184 Walk in Interview for post of Senior Resident and Junior Resident IN NSCB Medical College Jabalpur 04-04-2023
185 Cancellation of Interview for the post of SR in Dental Department 29-03-2023
186 Assistant Professor Eligibility list for interview for School of Excellence in Pulmonary Medicine 29-03-2023
187 Medical Officer Eligibility list for interview for School of Excellence in Pulmonary Medicine 29-03-2023
188 Notice for extension of last date of submission of application for posts of Prof., Associate Prof and Assistant Prof. in upgraded Neurosurgery Departm 28-03-2023
189 Vacancy Faculty Upgraded Neurosurgery Department 02-03-2023
190 Rules & Conditions of Walk in Interview for the post of SR in Ophthalmology Department 27-02-2023
191 Notice of SR Interview for ophthalmology department 24-02-2023
192 Advertisement for the Recruitment of Staff Nurses 21-02-2023
193 Faculty Recruitment - School of Excellence in Pulmonary Medicine Jabalpur Revised last 28.02.2023 19-02-2023
194 Eligibility list of Senior Resident 16-02-2023
195 Notice for Senior Resident Post in the Department of Emergency Medicine 13-02-2023
196 Notice Regarding Cancellation of Advertisement for the Hospital Management Post 13-02-2023
197 Regarding Extension for Joining Date for the post of Nursing Sister 13-02-2023
198 Notice for SR J R Walk in Interview for Super Speciality Hospital 02-02-2023
199 Advertisement for the post of S R ( Dentistry ) Medical College Jabalpur 02-02-2023
200 SR & JR - Walk-in-Interview 02-02-2023
201 Advertisement for the Recruitment Asst. Professor Post on Contractual Basis against Supernumerary post in School of Excellence in Pulmonary Medicine 02-02-2023
202 Advertisement for faculty in School of Excellence in Pulmonary Medicine 02-02-2023
203 Advertisement for the post of Medical Officer in School of Excellence in Pulmonary Medicine 02-02-2023
204 Advertisement for the Recruitment Asstt. Professor Post on Contractual Basis against Supernumerary post . S E P M 01-02-2023
205 Selection List of X-ray Technician SEPM 31-01-2023
206 SR & JR Walk in Interview for Supespecialty Hospital MCJ 30-01-2023
207 Sr and Jr advertisement notice for S E P M 25-01-2023
208 Walk in Interview for S R and J R for S E P M 25-01-2023
209 Advertisement for the post of Medical Officer in SEPM MCJ 24-01-2023
210 Advertisement for faculty in SEPM MCJ 24-01-2023
211 Advertisement notice for recruitment by direct appointment/ deputation on faculty posts / MO in SEPM MCJ 24-01-2023
212 460 Regarding Extension in Joining date for the post of Nursing Officer 23-01-2023
213 Notice - X-ray technician documents verification (SEPM) 05-01-2023
214 SR Walk-in-Interview for Emergency Medicine Department 02-01-2023
215 Vigyapti regarding Cancellation of Advertisement for the post of Dean - Medical College Jabalpur 21-12-2022
216 Selection & Waiting list of SR Interview 19-12-2022
217 Corrigendum regarding SR Interview 15-12-2022
218 Notice regarding SR Interview 15-12-2022
219 Advertisement for Walk-in interview for the post of S.R. Medical College Jabalpur 14-12-2022
220 Notice regarding Interview for the post of Assistant Professor in Ophthalmology department MCJ 08-12-2022
221 Selection List of Asstt. Prof. Medical College Jabalpur 08-12-2022
222 Additional Provisionally Eligible/Not Eligible List of interview for the post of Assistant Professor under various departments 06-12-2022
223 Selection & Waiting List of Class 3 and 4 in SEPM MCJ 06-12-2022
224 SR & JR Walk-in-Interview for Superspecialty Hospital MCJ 02-12-2022
225 Provisionally Eligible/Not Eligible List of interview for the post of Assistant Professor under various departments 30-11-2022
226 Provisional List of Eligible/Not Eligible Candidates for the post of Accountant/Stenographer/AG I /AG II /Storekeeper/Librarian/Lab Technician/Lab Ass 24-11-2022
227 Advertisement for the post of Ear Mould Technician (Samvida) in BASLP course 23-11-2022
228 Advertisement for the post of Speech Language Pathologist Grade-II (Samvida) in BASLP course 23-11-2022
229 Notice for Postponement of the date of Interview for the post of Dean. Medical College Jabalpur 20-11-2022
230 Selection list for Super speciality Hospital of Prof. , Assoc. Prof. , Asstt. Prof. and G D Mefical Officer 18-11-2022
231 Notice for the Date of Interview for the post of Dean for N.S.C.B. Medical College Jabalpur and list of eligible Candidates 16-11-2022
232 Suchna regarding Interview for Professor in Gynaecology department 11-11-2022
233 Selection list - Emergency Medicine Department 09-11-2022
234 Selection list - Professor & Assoc. Professor 09-11-2022
235 Nursing Sister Seniority List 04-11-2022
236 Notice regarding Interview date for the post of Professor in the Deptt. of Obs. & Gynaecology 04-11-2022
237 Notice regarding change of the date of Interview of Prof.,Assoc.Prof., Asstt. Prof. and General Duty Medical Officer ( Super speciality Hospital) 03-11-2022
238 Notice - Interview dated 07.11.2022 02-11-2022
239 Suchna - Interview dated 03.11.2022 02-11-2022
240 Notice for Interview for the post of Professor, Assoc.Professor , Asstt . Professor and Medical Officer for Super Specialty Hospital 31-10-2022
241 Interview Notice for faculty in Emergency Medicine Department MCJ 28-10-2022
242 provisionally Eligibility/Not eligibility list for the post of Professor & Associate Professor for in House Recruitment 28-10-2022
243 Eligibility list of Senior Resident & Junior Resident for Superspecialty Hospital 27-10-2022
244 Provisionally Eligibility list for Interview (Emergency Medicine) 26-10-2022
245 Eligibility list of Senior Resident & Junior Resident 26-10-2022
246 Suchna - SR & JR Walk-in interview 21-10-2022
247 Revised Notice for Entrance examination for SR cum fellow for Neuroendoscopy Fellowship 21-10-2022
248 revised post of cashier in advertisement no. 9954 dated 13/10/2022 20-10-2022
249 Advertisement for the post of Sleep Technician & Technician PFT in SEPM MCJ 19-10-2022
250 Provisionally eligibility list for the interview of faculty in Super speciality Hospital Jabalpur 19-10-2022
251 Suchna - SR & JR Walk-in-Interview 19-10-2022
252 Suchna - SR & JR Interview 18-10-2022
253 Notice for Walk in Interview for the post of S R and J R 14-10-2022
254 Limited Advertisement for Non teaching and paramedical posts(only for departmental candidates) 13-10-2022
255 SR & JR Walk-in-Interview for Superspecialty Hospital MCJ 13-10-2022
256 Application form for the post of Sleep Technician & PFT Technician in SEPM MCJ 11-10-2022
257 Advertisement for the post of Associate Professor & Professor in Medical College Jabalpur (Simit Vigyapti) 10-10-2022
258 Document verification for the post of Asst Grade 3, Dietician, Social Worker, TBHV and Peon in SEPM MCJ 30-09-2022
259 Advertisement for the post of Sleep Technician and Technician PFT in SEPM MCJ 30-09-2022
260 Interview Result for the post of Matron, Technician & Nursing Sister in SEPM MCJ 27-09-2022
261 Vigyapti Sanshodhan Suchna 26-09-2022
262 Advertisement for the post of Assistant Professor in Medical College Jabalpur 26-09-2022
263 Selection and Waiting List of Professor and Associate Professor 16-09-2022
264 Selection list of Professor for Deptt. of Psychiatry 16-09-2022
265 Interview of Eligible Candidates for the post of Asst. Grade 2, Technician, Matron and Nursing Sister for SEPM 14-09-2022
266 Interview for the post of Professor in Psychiatry Department MCJ 13-09-2022
267 Provisionally Eligibility/Not Eligibility List for the Post of Professor & Assoc. Prof. for In-House Recruitment 12-09-2022
268 SR Interview Result - SEPM 08-09-2022
269 JR Interview Result SEPM 08-09-2022
270 NHM SNCU Revised Advertisement 07-09-2022
271 Advertisement for Professor & Associate Professor 06-09-2022
272 Advertisement for faculty in Emergency Medicine Department Medical College Jabalpur 06-09-2022
273 दस्‍तावेज सत्‍यापन उपरांत कमी पाये गये दस्‍तावेजों को जमा करने हेतु 07 दिवस का समय प्रदान करने बावत् - SEPM 06-09-2022
274 Document Verification Checklist date 05.09.2022 - SEPM 01-09-2022
275 Advertisement for the Posts of Prof.,Assoc. Prof.,Asaty. Prof.and G.D.M.O. for Super Speciality Hospital 26-08-2022
276 Advertisemnt for Walk-in Interview for the posts of S R and J R in School of Excellence in Pulmonary Medicine (Hospital) 26-08-2022
277 Eligibility Selection List of Senior Resident in N.S.C.B. Medical College Jabalpur 26-08-2022
278 Document Verification for the post of Asstt. Grade 2,Technician,Matron and Nursing Sister for SEPM 25-08-2022
279 Walk-in Interview Notice for Recruitment of S R ,(Auto.NSCB Medical College Jabalpur) 23-08-2022
280 Revised Eligibility List of S R and J R for Super Speciality Hospital 17-08-2022
281 Status of ECG Technician after Original Document Verification 10-08-2022
282 Eligibility List of SR and JR in Super Speciality Hospital 10-08-2022
283 Notice regarding cancellation of advertisement (Emergency Medicine ) published on 10.05.2022 04-08-2022
284 Selection List of Prof., Asstt. Professor and Medical Officer for School of Excellence in Pulmonary Medicine Jabalpur 04-08-2022
285 Revised Date of Walk-In-Interview for SR & JR Superspecialty Hospital Jabalpur 03-08-2022
286 Revised Date of Walk-in Interview of S R J R for Super Speciality Hospital 01-08-2022
287 SR & JR Walk-in-Interview for Superspecialty Hospital Medical College Jabalpur 29-07-2022
288 Scrutiny Result, Document Verification and Interview Date for recruitment of faculty in SEPM 28-07-2022
289 Adertisement for the Post of Medical Officer for School of Excellence in Pulmonary Medicine Jabalpur 07-07-2022
290 Advertisement Notice for filling up for various posts of Super Speciality and Broad Speciality faculty Position and Medical Officer 04-07-2022
291 Advertisement for faculty positions in Pulmonary Medicine ( Super specialty) and Respiratory Medicine ( Broad Specialty) under School of Excellence in 04-07-2022
292 Provisionally Eligibility list for Interview for Professor Dermatology 30-06-2022
293 Selection List & Waiting List of Assistant Professor Psychiatry 10-06-2022
294 Provisionally Eligibility list for Interview - Assistant Professor Psychiatry Department (Samvida) 07-06-2022
295 Advertisement for the post of Assistant Professor Psychiatry (Samvida) 27-05-2022
296 Advertisement for X-ray Technician, TB HV, Dietician, Social Worker and other posts in SEPM Jabalpur 27-05-2022
297 Advertisement for faculty under BASLP course 27-05-2022
298 matron& accountant advertisement - SEPM 20-05-2022
299 List of Eligible / Not Eligible Candidates of SEPM Staff recruitment 17-05-2022
300 Scrutiny Result for the post of Professor & Medical Officer of SEPM 12-05-2022
301 Advertisement for faculty in Medical College Jabalpur 10-05-2022
302 cancellation order for OS, AG-1, Lab-Technician,AG-3 05-05-2022
303 Advertisement for the post of OT Technician (Samvida Niyukti NHM) 04-05-2022
305 Revised Merit and waiting List for post of Nursing Sister 29-04-2022
307 Corrigendum for the Post of Dean Medical College Jabalpur 21-04-2022
308 Selection List of Medical Officer and Medical Officer Anaesthesia for Burn Unit 19-04-2022
309 Provisionally Eligibility List for Interview for Medical Officer (Burn Unit ) (Revised) for Document Verification on 18.04.2022 15-04-2022
310 Revised advertisement for the Post of Dean Medical College Jabalpur_0001 08-04-2022
311 Merit and waiting List for post of Nursing Sister 07-04-2022
312 Walk in Interview for Faculties for B A S L P 04-04-2022
313 Selection List and Waiting List of Faculties for Super specialty Hospital 04-04-2022
314 Corrigendum for the Post of A.P. and GDMO for Super Speciality Hospital 31-03-2022
315 Notice Regarding postponement of Interview for Burn unit 31-03-2022
316 Provisionally Eligibility List of Candidates for A.P. and Medical Officer Super specialty Hospital 30-03-2022
317 Provisionally Eligibility List for Interview for Medical Officer (Burn Unit ) 29-03-2022
318 Advertisement for the post of Dean NSCB Medical College Jabalpur 17-03-2022
319 Provisional Recruitment of Selected candidate for group 5 16-03-2022
320 Walk-in-Interview for faculty in BASLP Course 11-03-2022
321 एन. एच. एम. के तहत कार्यरत अस्थाई कर्मियों की सेवा दिनांक 03/03/2022 से 31/03/2022 तक बढ़ाई जाती है 05-03-2022
322 Lab Technician ke rikt pad hetu Sanshodhit Vigyapan Suchna 02-03-2022
323 Sanshodhit Vigyapan Suchna SEPM 23-02-2022
324 Advertisement for the post of Asst Grade 2 and Matron in SEPM - Last date 21.03.2022 23-02-2022
325 Advertisement for the post of PFT / Respiratory Technician and Hospital Manager in SEPM - Last date 21.03.2022 23-02-2022
326 Advertisement for the post of Lab Technician, Nursing Sister and Accountant in SEPM - Last date 21.03.2022 23-02-2022
327 Advertisement for faculty in Burn Unit Medical College Jabalpur 22-02-2022
328 Advertisement for Faculties for Super speciality Hospital Jabalpur 22-02-2022
329 Advertisement for OS, AG-1, Lab-Technician,AG-3 18-02-2022
330 SR JR Walk in Interview for Super Specialty Hospital Dated 24.02.2022 15-02-2022
331 Final call For document Verification Peb Group-5 15-02-2022
332 Advertisenent for the Poast of Medical Officer in SEPM 24-01-2022
333 Vacancy for the post of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor in Pulmonary Medicine ( Super specialty level) and Professor and Assist 24-01-2022
334 Vacancy for the post of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor in Pulmonary Medicine ( Super specialty level) and Professor and Assist 24-01-2022
335 Original Documents verification for the post of Librarian (samvida post) 19-01-2022
336 Recruitment notice for different posts of NHM under Samvida 13-01-2022
337 SR - Walk in Interview dated 20/01/2022 11-01-2022
338 Walk in Interview for the post under BASLP Course Program 05-01-2022
339 एन. एच. एम. के तहत कार्यरत अस्थाई कर्मियों की सेवा दिनांक 30/12/2021 से 60 दिनों तक बढ़ाई जाती है 31-12-2021
340 Examination Result for candidates who have selected form samvida 28-12-2021
341 Examination Notice for candidates who have selected form samvida - Dated 22-12-2021 17-12-2021
342 SR & JR Walk in Interview for Super Specialty Hospital Medical College Jabalpur 13-12-2021
343 Suchna for SR & JR Walk in Interview 13-12-2021
344 Selection List of Interview dated 06.12.2021 07-12-2021
345 Walk in Interview for the post of Speech Language Pathologist Grade II & Speech Language Audiologist Grade II 30-11-2021
346 Advertisement for the post of Medical Officer in SEPM 26-11-2021
347 Advertisement for Faculty in SEPM 26-11-2021
348 Advertisement of Guest Faculty for Physiotherapy Courses 25-11-2021
349 cancellation order for OT attended and Lab attended 25-11-2021
350 Provisionally Eligibility List for Interview dated 06-12-2021 24-11-2021
351 Walk in Interview for the post of Speech Language Pathologist Grade II & Speech Language Audiologist Grade II 23-11-2021
353 Selection list of JR interview for SEPM 11-11-2021
354 Selection & Waiting list of SR interview for SEPM 11-11-2021
355 SR & JR Walk in Interview for SEPM dated 10.11.2021 02-11-2021
356 Selection list of Professor (Physiotherapy ) ( Samvida) 01-11-2021
357 PEB Group-5 Waiting List Last Call and Document Verification 27-10-2021
358 Walk in Interview for the Post of S R in Super Speciality Hospital Jabalpur 26-10-2021
359 Walk in Interview S R and J R in Medical College Jabalpur 26-10-2021
360 SR JR Walk in Interview dated 21-10-2021 14-10-2021
361 Walk in Interview for the Contractual Post of BPT and MPT Professor (Physiotherapy) 12-10-2021
362 Joining order cancellation ( waiting list PEB Group 5 ) 11-10-2021
363 PEB Group 5 Document verification list ( Last Chance )11.10.2021 11-10-2021
364 Information Regarding examination for the post of Staff Nurse 05-10-2021
365 information about cancellation exam of paramedical staff 05-10-2021
366 Revised Selection List of SR Interview for Anaesthesia Department 01-10-2021
367 Selection & Waiting List of SR Interview for Superspecialty Hospital 01-10-2021
368 Advertisement for the post of Librarian (Samvida) 30-09-2021
369 एन. एच. एम. के तहत कार्यरत अस्थाई कर्मियों की सेवा दिनांक 01102021 से 89 दिनों तक बढ़ाई जाती है 30-09-2021
370 List of Candidates for Examination after 3 month completion of PEB group 5 selected employees 28-09-2021
371 Service Extension working under NHM for the Post of Staff Nurse 28-09-2021
372 Revised Selection list of SR Interview for Surgery Department 27-09-2021
373 त्यागपत्र पर देय राशि संबंधी आदेश (परिचारिका एवं सह-चिकित्सकीय संवर्ग) 27-09-2021
374 Selection & Waiting list of SR interview 24-09-2021
375 Document Verification of PEB selected candidates (Group 5 waiting list) 23-09-2021
376 Information Regarding Staff nurse examination 23-09-2021
377 Notice regarding SR JR Walk-in-interview 21-09-2021
378 List of candidates for documents verification for the post of staff nurse as on 27.09.2021 21-09-2021
379 स्टाफ नर्स संशोधित आदेश 9204 दिनांक 21/09/2021 21-09-2021
380 Final list pharmacist grade- 2 and samvida post 18-09-2021
381 Final list ECG-Technician, Lab Assistant, Lab Attendant & OT attendant for samvida workers 18-09-2021
382 SR JR Walk in Interview for Super Specialty Hospital 17-09-2021
383 SR JR - Walk in interview 16-09-2021
384 List of candidates for documents verification for the post of staff nurse as on 16.09.2021 11-09-2021
385 Selection List of Senior Resident for School of Excellence in Pulmonary Medicine 09-09-2021
386 List of candidates ( Lab. Tech.,Lab.Asstt and other posts) Cancellation of Candidature 09-09-2021
387 Result interview for SEPM faculty held on 06/09/21 08-09-2021
388 Neuro Endoscopy Fellowship 2021-22 Advertisement 07-09-2021
389 Final list Darkroom Assistant 06-09-2021
390 PEB document verification - Group 5 (Last Chance) 03-09-2021
391 Last date extension for joining of staff nurses order no. 8181,8195 dated 26.08.2021 02-09-2021
392 Final list pharmacist grade 1 02-09-2021
393 Final list assistant Grade 2 02-09-2021
394 Interview Notice Prof. and Asstt. Prof. School of Excellence in Pulmonary Medicine 01-09-2021
395 स्कूल ऑफ एक्सीलेंस इन पल्मोनरी मेडिसिन में सीनियर रेजिडेंट की वैकेंसी (वॉक इन इंटरव्यू ) 28-08-2021
396 Staff Nurse Joining Order 1891 26-08-2021
397 Staff Nurse Joining Order 1895 26-08-2021
398 New Reservation Table for Post of Staff Nurse 26-08-2021
399 Joining order of scientists B and research assistant under NHM covid-19 25-08-2021
400 SR JR - Walk in Interview Cancellation Notice 23-08-2021
401 SR JR Walk in Interview - For Superspecialty Hospital 19-08-2021
402 SR JR - Walk in Interview 19-08-2021
403 Sanshodhit Vigyapti Suchna - SEPM Jabalpur 18-08-2021
404 Document verification for Professional Examination Board group-5 date 27-08-2021 18-08-2021
405 List of candidates for documents verification for the post of staff nurse as on 25.08.2021 17-08-2021
406 Document Verifcation for the post of Darkroom Asstt. 17-08-2021
407 Information regarding the post of Pharmasist grade -1 for SEPM 17-08-2021
408 Cancellation order II for the post of staff nurse 13-08-2021
409 Cancellation order I for the post of staff nurse 13-08-2021
410 Joining order I for the post of staff nurse 13-08-2021
411 Joining order II for the post of staff nurse 13-08-2021
412 डार्करूम असिस्टेंट एवं रेडियोग्राफर के पद पर अमान्य किए गए आवेदनों की संशोधित सूचना 09-08-2021
413 7685 Walk in interview for the post of Scientist -B and Research Assistant 06-08-2021
414 Original Document Verification for the post of Staff Nurse List -3 04-08-2021
417 document verification for the post of dark room assistant 02-08-2021
418 विज्ञप्ति क्र.5797 दिनांक 08.06.2021 के तहत प्राप्त आवेदनों को स्क्रुटनी पश्चात अमान्य किए गए आवेदनों के संबंध में सूचना 29-07-2021
419 Original Document Verification for the post of Staff Nurse List -2 28-07-2021
420 List of Selected Candidate for the post of Pharmacist Grade-2 28-07-2021
421 Original Document Verification for the post of Staff Nurse 27-07-2021
422 Advertisement for Assistant Grade 2 26-07-2021
423 Selection and Waiting list for the post of Assistant Professor 26-07-2021
424 Last Date Extension for Application of Advertisement (Post of Lab Assistant, ECG Technician, OT Attendant and Lab Attendant) 26-07-2021
425 Remaining candidate list for documents verification for the post of staff nurse 24-07-2021
426 Notice -Change of timings for documents verification on 26.07.2021 22-07-2021
427 Cancellation - In-house candidate's interview 20-07-2021
428 स्टाफ नर्स के पद पर दस्तावेज़ सत्यापन हेतु अभ्यार्थियों की सूची 20-07-2021
429 स्टाफ नर्स के दिव्यांग एवं भूतपूर्व सैनिक श्रेणी के पदों पर दस्तावेज़ सत्यापन हेतु अभ्यार्थियों की सूची 20-07-2021
430 स्कूल ऑफ़ एक्सेलेन्स इन पल्मोनरी मेडिसिन जबलपुर - प्राध्यापक, रेस्पिरेटरी मेडिसिन के रिक्त पद हेतु विज्ञप्ति , अंतिम तिथि- 10/08/2021 20-07-2021
431 स्कूल ऑफ़ एक्सेलेन्स इन पल्मोनरी मेडिसिन जबलपुर - मेडिकल ऑफ़िसर रिक्त पद हेतु संशोधित विज्ञप्ति - अंतिम तिथि - 10/08/2021 20-07-2021
432 स्कूल ऑफ़ एक्सेलेन्स इन पल्मोनरी मेडिसिन जबलपुर - super-specialty and Broad specialty faculty positions vacancy. Last date- 10/08/2021 20-07-2021
433 Walk in Interview for the post of Asstt. Professor Audiology ( BASLP) 19-07-2021
434 ई.सी.जी. टेक्‍नीशियन, लैब असिस्‍टेंट, ओ.टी अटेंडेन्‍ट एवं लैब अटेण्‍डेन्‍ट के पदों पर नियुक्ती (केवल संविदा कर्मियों हेतु) 16-07-2021
435 मैट्रन के रिक्त पदों हेतु चयन एवं प्रतीक्षा सूची 16-07-2021
436 Provisionally Eligibility & Not Eligibility list of faculty (for Direct Recruitment & in House Recruitment) 15-07-2021
437 Staff nurse NHM Joing order 14-07-2021
438 Information regarding document verification of Pharmacist Grade 2 09-07-2021
439 Joining Order of Staff Nurse ( from Waiting List ) 09-07-2021
440 Staff Nurse Joining Order Cancellation 09-07-2021
441 संशोधित विज्ञप्ति सूचना (SEPM) 06-07-2021
442 Advertisement for the post of Specialist and MO in Burn Unit Medical College Jabalpur 01-07-2021
443 अस्थाई कर्मचारियों की सेवायें दिनांक 01/07/2021 से समाप्त की जाती है 30-06-2021
444 चयनित पदों पर पदस्थ अस्थाई कर्मचारियों की सेवायें दिनांक 02/07/2021 से 89 दिवस तक बढाई जाती है 30-06-2021
445 Advertisement for Pharmacist Grade 1 30-06-2021
446 Order Number 6613 Dated 30-06-2021 Cancellation 30-06-2021
447 Walk in Interview for the post of Asstt. Professor Audiology ( BASLP) 29-06-2021
448 Information regarding nurses recruitment 28-06-2021
450 Revised Post Of Nursing Sister 28-06-2021
452 Group 5 Waiting List Selected Candidate 25-06-2021
453 Staff Nurse ( Waiting ) Joining Order 24-06-2021
454 Staff Nurse Joining Order Cancellation 24-06-2021
456 Last date Extension for Group 5 Documents Verification 23-06-2021
457 Advertisement for the post of Paediatric Surgeon under NHM 22-06-2021
458 Last date Extension for the post Advertised under 5797,5798 and 5799 dated 8-06-2021 21-06-2021
459 Advertisement for Pharmacist Grade -2 21-06-2021
460 Advertisement for Nursing Sister For internal emplyoee 18-06-2021
461 Advertisement for the post of matron for internal employees 18-06-2021
462 Corrigendum ( Medical College Faculty ) 15-06-2021
463 Advertisement for the post of Associate Professor & Assistant Professor ( For In-house Candidates ) 14-06-2021
464 SR JR Interview Result (SEPM) 14-06-2021
466 Advertisement for the post of Assistant Professor Audiology & Audiology Grade II 11-06-2021
467 विज्ञप्ति संशोधन सूचना (विज्ञप्ति क्र/स्‍था/राज/21/5811 दिनांक 08/06/2021) 11-06-2021
468 Advertisement for the post of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor 10-06-2021
469 Corrigendum (SEPM Faculty Advertisement) 10-06-2021
470 PEB Bhopal Group 5 Joining Order Cancellation 10-06-2021
471 SR JR Interview Sanshodhit Vigyapti 08-06-2021
472 Advertisement for the post of Dark Room Assistant 08-06-2021
473 Advertisement for the post of Radiotherapy Technician 08-06-2021
474 Advertisement for the post of Pharmacist Grade II, Radiographer, Darkroom Assistant & Radiotherapy Technician ( Samvida ) 08-06-2021
475 Walk-in Interview date change for S R and J R posts for School of Excellence in Pulmonary Medicine 08-06-2021
476 SR & JR Interview Dated 09.06.2021 06-06-2021
477 SR JR Interview for Superspecialty Hospital Jabalpur 04-06-2021
481 Advertisement for the posts of Prof.,Asso.Prof. and Asstt. Professors for School of Excellence in Pulmonary Medicine Medical College Jabalpur 29-05-2021
482 SR JR Walk in Interview 28-05-2021
483 स्टाफ नर्स के पद हेतु विज्ञप्ति सुचना 27-05-2021
484 Advertisement for the post of Medical Officer in SEPM 27-05-2021
485 Selection List of Pro.Assoc.Prof. , Asstt. Prof. and GDMO. for Super Speciality Hospital 21-05-2021
486 Interview Result - SEPM Medical College Jabalpur 21-05-2021
488 Provisional Eligibility Candidate List for Interview (Super-speciality Hospital Jabalpur) 14-05-2021
489 Result of Faculty interview for School of Excellence in Pulmonary Medicine MCJ 13-05-2021
490 Joining Order of Staff Nurse ( from Waiting List ) 13-05-2021
491 Walk In interview Dialysis Technician 11-05-2021
492 II Joining Order for Staff Nurse (COVID 19) 11-05-2021
493 वाक इन इंटरव्यू समाप्ती 11-05-2021
494 Joining order staff nurse (Covid 19) 10-05-2021
495 Walk in Interview for the post of Staff Nurse 07-05-2021
496 संविदा कर्मियों हेतु स्वशासी स्टाफ नर्स के पद पर चयनित अभ्यार्थियों की अंतिम सूचि 05-05-2021
497 संविदा कर्मियों हेतु स्वशासी स्टाफ नर्स के पद पर चयनित अभ्यार्थियों की अनंतिम सूचि 03-05-2021
498 Walk in Interview for the post of Asstt. Professor Audiology ( BASLP) 30-04-2021
499 Provisional Eligibility List of Prof. and Asstt. Prof. for School of Excellence in Pulmonary Medicine, Medical College Jabalpur 29-04-2021
500 डायलिसिस टेक्नीशियन के आदेश निरस्त बावत 28-04-2021
501 डायलिसिस टेक्नीशियन के पद हेतु नियुक्ती आदेश 28-04-2021
502 Document Verification for the Post of Staff Nurse (Under NHM) 26-04-2021
503 Advertisement for Walk in Interview of S R and J R 23-04-2021
504 Joining order for the post of Staff Nurse under NHM 21-04-2021
505 Last joining date for the post of Staff Nurse 21-04-2021
506 स्टाफ नर्स के नियुक्ति आदेश निरस्त करने बावत 18-04-2021
507 appointment of Staff Nurse on merit basis 18-04-2021
508 Posting order of Radiographer under N H M 16-04-2021
509 SR JR Walk in Interview 16-04-2021
510 Joining Letter for the post of Technician 14-04-2021
511 Advertisement for Walk in Interview for the post of Radiographer under N H M 14-04-2021
512 Walk-in Interview for the post of PGMO in Anaesthesia and Medicine 13-04-2021
513 II Joining Order of Staff nurse Under NHM for COVID 19 13-04-2021
514 Joining Order of Staff nurse Under NHM for COVID 19 09-04-2021
515 केवल संविदा कर्मियो को स्टाटफ नर्स के पद पर नियुक्ति बाबत 09-04-2021
516 Selection list of Paediatric Surgeon and Staff Nurse under N H M (R B S K ) Samvida niyukti 07-04-2021
517 Information regarding Cancellation and extension of Interview date for Superspeciality Hospital 06-04-2021
518 Selection List of Assoc.Prof. and Professor of Medical College Jabalpur 05-04-2021
519 Revised Eligibility List 31-03-2021
520 Final List of Selected Candidates for the post of Staff Nurse (Including Waiting List) 30-03-2021
521 Advertisement for Faculty SEPM Pulmonary Medicine Radio Anesthesia 28-03-2021
522 Provisional List of Selected Candidates for the post of Staff Nurse 26-03-2021
523 Advertisement for Walk in Interview for S.R. and J.R. for Autonomous N.S.C.B.Medical College Jabalpur 20-03-2021
524 Advertisement for Walk in Interview for S.R. and J.R. for Super Speciality Hospital .N.S.C.B.Medical College Jabalpur 20-03-2021
525 Advertisement for Walk in Interview for the Post of Asstt. Professor in Speech and Language Pathology Medical College Jabalpur for BASLP Course 20-03-2021
526 नवीन सुचना स्टाफ नर्स (संविदा) के पद हेतु जो अभ्यार्थि 06/03/2021 को उपस्थित नहीं हो पाए है 06-03-2021
527 सुचना स्टाफ नर्स (संविदा) के पद हेतु जिन अभ्यार्थियों के नाम दर्शित नहीं है 04-03-2021
528 स्टाफ नर्स (संविदा) के पद हेतु आवेदित अभ्याीर्थियों की सूची जिनकी मूल दस्ता्वेजों की स्क्रूीटनी दिनांक 06/03/2021 को होनी है। 03-03-2021
529 Ammendment in Recruitment for the post of Staff Nurse only for Samvida (Contract Workers) 01-03-2021
530 Vigyapti Sanshodhan Suchna (Super specialty Hospital NSCBMCJ) 26-02-2021
531 Walk in Interview for Speech Language Pathologist Grade - II under BASLP 25-02-2021
532 Advertisement for the post of Professor, Assoc. Prof., Asst. Prof and GDMO in Super specialty Hospital NSCBMCJ 25-02-2021
533 Recruitment for the post of Staff Nurse only for Samvida (Contract Workers) 24-02-2021
534 Selection list for Asstt. Prof. in Neuro-Radiology, Deptt. in School of Excellence in Neurosurgery 17-02-2021
535 Interview postponed for the post of SR in SEPM for Pathology dated 17-02-2021 15-02-2021
536 Advertisement for SR and JR walk-in-Interview 12-02-2021
537 Eligible Candidate for The post of Staff Nurse 10-02-2021
538 Interview postponed .for the post of Asstt. Prof. in School of Excellence in Neuro-Surgery 08-02-2021
539 Joining orders of various post under NHM-RBSK 02-02-2021
540 Eligibility list of School of Excellence in Neuro Surgery 29-01-2021
541 Selection list of faculty for SEPM (Interview dated 23.01.2021) 27-01-2021
542 Selection list of Medical Officer for SEPM (Interview dated 23.01.2021) 27-01-2021
543 Selection list of Superspecialty faculty interview dated 19.01.2021 19-01-2021
544 Walk in Interview for S R and J R 3 15-01-2021
545 Notice for date of interview Document verification for the post of Prof.Assoc.Prof. and Asstt.Professor in School of Excellence in Pulmonary Medicine 14-01-2021
546 Provisionally Eligibility list for Interview of Associate Professor 14-01-2021
547 Notice for date of interview Document verification for the post of Medical Officer .School of Excellence in Pulmonary Medicine 13-01-2021
548 Advertisement for the post of Professor and Associate Professor 12-01-2021
549 SR JR Walk in Interview 12-01-2021
550 Provisionally Eligibility list for Interview of Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 08-01-2021
551 Interview Date change for Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 08-01-2021
552 Provisionally Eligibility list for Interview of Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 07-01-2021
553 Advertisement for Deputy Registrar, Hospital Manager and Asst Hospital Manager posts 06-01-2021
554 Provisionally Eligibility List for Interview of Assoc. Prof, Asst Prof, Superintendent, GDMO in Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 06-01-2021
555 Result - Biomedical Engineer 05-01-2021
556 Cancellation of Interview for Deputy Registrar, Hospital Manager and Asst Hospital Manager posts 04-01-2021
557 Change in Tentative Interview date for faculty of Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 04-01-2021
558 Sanshodhit Vigyapti Suchna (For SEPM Faculty) 01-01-2021
559 Sanshodhit Vigyapti Suchna (For SEPM Medical Officer) 01-01-2021
560 Staff Nurse Recruitment 30-12-2020
561 Date Extension Notice for the post of Paedicatric Surgeon and Staff Nurse under NHM 29-12-2020
562 Documents to be carried in Interview of Hospital Management System of Medical College Jabalpur 28-12-2020
563 Provisionally Eligibility list for the Interview of Deputy Registrar, Hospital Manager, Assistant Hospital Manager and Bio Medical Engineer in MCJ 24-12-2020
564 Recruitment of faculty in Superspecialty ( School of Excellence in Neurosurgery ) Medical College Jabalpur 21-12-2020
565 Sanshodhit Vigyapti Suchna (For SEPM Medical Officer) 18-12-2020
566 Sanshodhit Vigyapti Suchna (For SEPM Faculty) 18-12-2020
567 Vigyapti Sanshodhan Soochna (Corrigendum) 16-12-2020
568 Advertisement for contractual posts of Paediatric Surgeon & Staff Nurse under N H M 05-12-2020
569 Advertisement for the post of Medical Officer in SEPM, Medical College Jabalpur 01-12-2020
570 Advertisement for the post of Professor, Assoc. Prof., Asst. Prof. in SEPM, Medical College Jabalpur 01-12-2020
571 advertisement of Direct recruitment of Professor, Assoc. Professor, Asst Professor, Superintendent & GDMO in Super specialty Hospital Medical College 28-11-2020
572 SR and JR Walk-in Interview for Medical College Jabalpur 29-10-2020
573 SR and JR Walk-in Interview for Super Speciality Hospital,Medical College Jabalpur (2) 29-10-2020
574 SR JR interview (Suchna) 20-10-2020
575 SR JR Walk in Interview 16-10-2020
576 SR JR Interview for Superspecialty Hospital 16-10-2020
577 Covid-19 Duties extension order 07-10-2020
578 SR JR Walk in Interview 05-10-2020
579 SR JR Interview Superspecialty Hospital 05-10-2020
581 Extension of Date of joinig for Temporary Recruitment Order for Staff Nurses ,ECG Technician, Dialysis Technician and Radiographers 24-09-2020
582 Advertisement for contractual posts of Staff Nuse,Physiotherapist,Audiologist,Psychologist,Special Educator and Social Worker under N H M 24-09-2020
583 Advertisement for Temporary Recruitment of Medical Officers under Covid - 19 Pandemic . 23-09-2020
584 Temporary Recruitment Order for Staff Nurses ,ECG Technician, Dialysis Technician and Radiographers. 19-09-2020
585 Walk in Interview for S R and J R for Super Speciality Hospital 15-09-2020
586 S R and JR Walk-in Interview on 09.09.2020 08-09-2020
587 SR JR Interview Dated 26/08/2020 22-08-2020
588 Vigyapti for NHM Samvida Niyukti 21-08-2020
589 SR JR Walk in Interview 10-08-2020
590 Advertisement for the post of S R and J R 25-07-2020
591 Staff Nurses proficiency test result for School of Excellence in Pulmonary Medicine Medical College Jabalpur 23-07-2020
592 Revised Advertisement for Temporary Recruitment of Medical Officers under Covid - 19 Pandemic 23-07-2020
593 Walk in Interview for S R and J R for Super specialty Hospital, Medical College Jabalpur 17-07-2020
594 NHM waiting list Approved candidate list of Programme Coordinator, Lab Technician & Staff Nurse 16-07-2020
595 SR Interview 23-06-2020
596 SR JR Interview Superspecialty Hospital 23-06-2020
597 Waiting List & Document Verification of Various Posts under NHM 22-06-2020
598 Selection List of Prof.,Assoc.Prof.,Asstt. Prof. and Statastician cum Tutor 15-06-2020
599 Sanshodhit Soochnaa ( Corrigendum) for Asstt. Prof. Post 11-06-2020
600 provisionally Eligibility list of Proff.,Assoc.Prof.,Asstt. Prof. and Statistician cum Tutor. 10-06-2020
601 Interview Notice for Prof. Assoc. Prof. Asst. Prof. & Tutor 09-06-2020
602 SR Interview 05-06-2020
603 कोविड 19 के तहत अस्‍थाई नियुक्ति संबंधी सूचना 04-06-2020
604 Sanshodhit Vigyapti Suchna 27-05-2020
605 Walk in interview of S R and J R for Medical College Jabalpur 24-05-2020
606 Walk in Interview for S R and JR for Super Speciality Hospital 24-05-2020
607 कोविड - 19 के तहत अस्थाई नियुक्ती हेतु (II) 19-05-2020
608 Selection List of Direct recruitment of Prof., Assoc. Prof. & Asst. Prof. 18-05-2020
609 Advertisement of Temporary Recruitment for COVID-19 18-05-2020
610 कोविड - 19 के तहत अस्थाई नियुक्ती हेतु 14-05-2020
611 Advertisement of Direct recruitment of Professor, Assoc. Professor & Asst. Professor 05-05-2020
613 Selection list of Staff Nurse in view of Covid-19 Pandemic Emergency 16-04-2020
614 ((Simit Vigyapti) Advertisement for the post of Professor and Associate Professor 15-04-2020
615 Walk in interview for S R and J R 03-04-2020
616 Walk in interview S R and J R for Superspeciality Hospital 03-04-2020
617 Result of Proficiency exam of Staff Nurse and Technicians in Superspecialty Hospital 19-03-2020
618 Sanshodhit Suchna ( SR, JR ) 02-03-2020
619 Walk in Interview of S R J R 26-02-2020
620 Document verification of selected candidates of various post under NHM ( Samvida ) 14-02-2020
621 Joining Order of Staff Nurse NHM ( Samvida ) 13-02-2020
622 Joining order of Lab Technician NHM ( Samvida ) 13-02-2020
623 Joining Order of Medical Coordinator NHM ( Samvida ) 13-02-2020
624 Joining Order of PGMO NHM ( Samvida ) 13-02-2020
625 Selection List for various post under NHM 10-02-2020
626 SR JR Interview Dated 29/01/2020 24-01-2020
627 Selection list of Asst. Prof 21-01-2020
628 Postponement of interview of Prof. in E. N. T. 20-01-2020
629 Continuation of Provisionally Eligibility list for the post of Asst Prof 17-01-2020
630 Selection List of Junior Resident Superspecialty hospital Jabalpur 17-01-2020
631 Document verification of Class 3 .PEB waiting list 16-01-2020
632 Revised list of provisional Eligibility candidates for the Interview of Asstt.Prof. 15-01-2020
633 Provisional Eligibility list for Assoc, Asstt. Prof. Interview on 20 Jan. 2020 14-01-2020
634 List of eligible candidates for the posts of Pharmacist Grade 1 , Asstt.Grade 2 and date of Interview(Simit Vigyapti) 13-01-2020
635 Advertisement for the post of S. R. and J. R. in Superspeciality Hospital Jbp 11-01-2020
636 Advertisement for the post of Prof. in ENT Dept. on contractual basis 10-01-2020
637 List of selected candidates for Assoc. Prof.,Asstt Prof.and Medical Officer for Superspecialty Hospital Jbp. 07-01-2020
638 Revised Provisionally Eligibility list for Superspecialty Faculty Interview 04-01-2020
639 Provisional Eligibility list for various faculty interview in Superspecialty Hospital Jabalpur 03-01-2020
640 For outsourcing Anaesthesia Consultants and Panel Formation for Superspecialty Medical College Jabalpur 30-12-2019
641 Sanshodhit Vigyapti Suchna 26-12-2019
642 Vigyapti Sanshodhan Suchna (Corrigendum) 13-12-2019
643 Selection List of Casualty Medical Officer (12.12.2019) 12-12-2019
644 Waiting list of Staff Nurse for Superspecialty 10-12-2019
645 Waiting list of Nursing Sister and Paramedical Staff for Superspecialty Hospital 10-12-2019
646 SR JR Walk in Interview 10-12-2019
647 Date Extension - Superspecialty faculty Advertisement 09-12-2019
648 Advertisement for the post of Professor Assoc. Prof. and Asst. Prof 07-12-2019
649 Sanshodhit Vigyapti Suchna (For Superspecialty Hospital) 07-12-2019
650 Notice for Casualty Medical Officer recruitment 05-12-2019
651 Simit Vigyapti class 3 for Superspecialty Hospital Jabalpur 02-12-2019
652 Eligibility List for Interview of Casualty Medical Officer 29-11-2019
653 Advertisement for the post of faculties, Superintendent and General Duty Medical Officer in Superintendent Hospital 27-11-2019
654 S.R. & J.R. Walk in Interview for Superspeciality Hospital ,Medical College Jabalpur 18-11-2019
655 Exam Result of Proficiency test for Staff Nurses recruited in School of Excellence in Pulmonury Medicine, Jabalpur 13-11-2019
656 NHM samvida recruitment 06-11-2019
657 S.R. / J.R. Walk in Interview 31-10-2019
658 Exam Result of Proficiency test for Staff Nurses recruited in Superspeciality Hospital, Jabalpur 29-10-2019
659 Chikitsa Shikshako ke Punarikshit Vetanman (Satva Vetanman ) hetu Vikalp ka Praaroop 25-10-2019
660 Second Counseling list of Common Candidtes who have applied for Paramedical Courses in the year 2019-2020 16-10-2019
661 Paramedical Suchna 15-10-2019
662 BASLP Vigyapti 11-10-2019
663 RBSK Vigyapti for paediatric surgen 10-10-2019
664 SR & JR Interview 01-10-2019
665 RBSK - Sanshodhit Vigyapti 28-09-2019
666 SR JR vigyapti for Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 24-09-2019
667 Selection for the the post of Dean Medical College Jabalpur 11-09-2019
668 List of Eligible and noneligible candidates for interview of Dean's Post ,Medical College Jabalpur 07-09-2019
669 SR & JR Interview 04-09-2019
670 Applications received for the post of dean 31-08-2019
671 selection list for Pulmonary medicine 21-08-2019
672 Advertisement for Paramedical Degree/Diploma Course Admission for the Year 2019-2020 20-08-2019
673 Fee Structure for Paramedical courses 2019-20 20-08-2019
674 Paramedical Courses Academic Year 2019-20 Admission Form 20-08-2019
675 Paramedical Courses prospectus 2019-2020 20-08-2019
676 Joining order for the post of Staff Nurse in School of Excellence in Pulmonary Medicine 19-08-2019
677 Postponement of Neuro-endoscopy Fellowship exam date to 30.08.2019 16-08-2019
678 Provisional List for Interview of Asstt. Prof.and Medical Officers for School of Excellence in Pulmonary Medicine 13-08-2019
679 Advertisement for the post of Dean Medical College Jabalpur 07-08-2019
680 Walk in Interview for S R and J R for Superspeciality Hospital 06-08-2019
681 Superspcialty Joining Order - Stenographer 31-07-2019
682 Superspcialty Joining Order - Assistant Grade III 31-07-2019
683 Selection list for the post of Stenographer for Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 29-07-2019
684 Selection list for the post of Assistant Grade III for Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 29-07-2019
685 S R and J R walk in interview on 31.07.2019 25-07-2019
686 Superspcialty Joining Order - Dialysis Technician 25-07-2019
687 Superspcialty Joining Order - Anesthesia Technician 25-07-2019
688 Superspcialty Joining Order - Assistant Librarian 25-07-2019
689 Superspcialty Joining Order - Cardio Thoracic Technician 25-07-2019
690 Superspcialty Joining Order - Cath Lab Technician 25-07-2019
691 Superspcialty Joining Order - Lab.Technician 25-07-2019
692 Superspcialty Joining Order -Librarian 25-07-2019
693 Superspcialty Joining Order -Medical Record Officer 25-07-2019
694 Superspecialty Joining Order -O.T.Technician 25-07-2019
695 Superspecialty Joining Order -Radiographer 25-07-2019
696 Superspecialty Joining Order -X Ray technician 1 25-07-2019
697 Superspecialty Joining Order -X Ray Technician 2 25-07-2019
698 Superspcialty Joining Order -Nursing Sister 25-07-2019
699 Superspecialty Joining Order - E C G Technician 25-07-2019
700 SR JR Interview cancellation 24-07-2019
701 Superspcialty Joining Order - Staff Nurse 23-07-2019
702 SR/JR Sanshodhit Vigyapti - 22.07.2019 22-07-2019
703 Sanshodhit Merit List of Stenographer for Superspeciality Hospital 20-07-2019
704 Sanshodhit Merit List of Asstt.Grade III for Superspeciality Hospital 20-07-2019
705 Senior Resident and Junior Resident Walk in Interview 19-07-2019
706 Sanshodhit Merit List of Staff Nurse Post S.C. Category for Superspeciality Hospital Jabalpur 19-07-2019
707 Selection list for the post of Anesthesia Technician for Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 17-07-2019
708 Selection list for the post of Assistant Librarian for Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 17-07-2019
709 Selection list for the post of Cardio-thoracic Technician for Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 17-07-2019
710 Selection list for the post of Cath Lab. Technician for Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 17-07-2019
711 Selection list for the post of Dialysis Technician for Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 17-07-2019
712 Selection list for the post of E C G Technician for Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 17-07-2019
713 Selection list for the post of Lab.Technician for Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 17-07-2019
714 Selection list for the post of Librarian for Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 17-07-2019
715 Selection list for the post of Medical Record Officer for Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 17-07-2019
716 Selection list for the post of Nursing Sister for Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 17-07-2019
717 Selection list for the post of O.T. Technician for Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 17-07-2019
718 Selection list for the post of Radiographer for Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 17-07-2019
719 Selection list for the post of Staff Nurse for Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 17-07-2019
720 Selection list for the post of X Ray Technician for Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 17-07-2019
721 Sanshodhit soochna for the posts of Lab.Technician,Anesthesia Technician and X Ray Technician 17-07-2019
722 Super Specialty Interview result - Superintendent, Professor, Assoc. Prof., Asst Prof 16-07-2019
723 Regarding Cardiac Surgery Assoc. Professor interview postponement 15-07-2019
724 Eligibility list of interview for the post of Prof.,Assoc.Prof and Asstt.Prof. for Superspeciality Hospital 12-07-2019
725 PEB Group 2 Sub group 4 Waiting List document verification 11-07-2019
726 PEB Group 4 Waiting List document verification 11-07-2019
727 advertisement for the post of hospital management service 09-07-2019
728 Marks of Anesthesia Technician for Super Specialty hospital 06-07-2019
729 Marks of Assistant Grade III for Super Specialty hospital 06-07-2019
730 Marks of Assistant Librarian for Super Specialty hospital 06-07-2019
731 Marks of CardiothoracicTechnician for Super Specialty hospital 06-07-2019
732 Marks of Cath Lab Technician for Super Specialty hospital 06-07-2019
733 Marks of Dialysis Technician for Super Specialty hospital 06-07-2019
734 Marks of E C G Technician for Super Specialty hospital 06-07-2019
735 Marks of Lab. Technician for Super Specialty hospital 06-07-2019
736 Marks of Librarian for Super Specialty hospital 06-07-2019
737 Marks of Medical Record Officer for Super Specialty hospital 06-07-2019
738 Marks of Nursing Sister for Super Specialty hospital 06-07-2019
739 Marks of O.T. Technician for Super Specialty hospital 06-07-2019
740 Marks of Radiographer for Super Specialty hospital 06-07-2019
741 Marks of Staff Nurse for Super Specialty hospital 06-07-2019
742 Marks of Stenographer for Super Specialty hospital 06-07-2019
743 Marks of X Ray Technician for Super Specialty hospital 06-07-2019
744 Notice for Divyang Staff Nurse Post for Super Speciality Hospital 06-07-2019
745 Interview date for Superspecialty faculty 06-07-2019
746 Medical Officer - Vigyapti 06-07-2019
747 Date Extension of submission of application in Pulmonary Medicine 04-07-2019
748 Selection List - Professor & Assoc. Professor 03-07-2019
749 Final Merit list for the post of Staff Nurse for Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 03-07-2019
750 Final Merit list for the post of Nursing Sister for Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 03-07-2019
751 Final Merit list for the post of Nursing Superintendent for Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 03-07-2019
752 Final Merit list for the post of Account Officer for Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 03-07-2019
753 Final Merit list for the post of Anaesthesia Technician for Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 03-07-2019
754 Final Merit list for the post of Assistant Librarian for Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 03-07-2019
755 Final Merit list for the post of Cardiothoracic Technician for Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 03-07-2019
756 Final Merit list for the post of Cath Lab Technician for Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 03-07-2019
757 Final Merit list for the post of Dialysis Technician for Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 03-07-2019
758 Final Merit list for the post of E C G Technician for Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 03-07-2019
759 Final Merit list for the post of Lab. Technician for Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 03-07-2019
760 Final Merit list for the post of Librarian for Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 03-07-2019
761 Final Merit list for the post of Medical Record Officer for Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 03-07-2019
762 Final Merit list for the post of O.T.Technician for Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 03-07-2019
763 Final Merit list for the post of Radiographer for Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 03-07-2019
764 Final Merit list for the post of Stenographer for Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 03-07-2019
765 Final Merit list for the post of X Ray Technician for Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 03-07-2019
766 Final Merit list for the post of Assistant Grade III for Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 03-07-2019
767 Grievances for Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur (Recruitment) 03-07-2019
768 RBSK vacancy for the post of Staff Nurse (Female) & OT Technician - Samvida Niyukti 03-07-2019
769 Eligibilty List for Interview for the Post of Professor and Associate Professor 29-06-2019
770 Neuro Endoscopy Fellowship & Senior Resident for Neuro Surgery Dept 27-06-2019
772 Walk in Interview for S R and J R 27-06-2019
773 Sanshodhit Vigyapti - Super specialty Dava-Aapatti Date extension 26-06-2019
774 List of applications received after the last submission date 18-06-2019
775 Information regarding Pharmacist Grade II and Assistant Grade II 18-06-2019
776 Advertisement for the post of Medical Officer and Medical Record Officer in School of Excellence in Pulmonary Medicine Medical College Jabalpur 17-06-2019
777 Merit list for the post of Account Officer for Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 17-06-2019
778 Merit list for the post of Anesthesia Technician for Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 17-06-2019
779 Merit list for the post of Assistant Librarian for Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 17-06-2019
780 Merit list for the post of Cardiothoracic Technician for Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 17-06-2019
781 Merit list for the post of Cath Lab Technician for Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 17-06-2019
782 Merit list for the post of Dialysis Technician for Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 17-06-2019
783 Merit list for the post of ECG Technician for Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 17-06-2019
784 Merit list for the post of Lab Technician for Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 17-06-2019
785 Merit list for the post of Librarian for Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 17-06-2019
786 Merit list for the post of Medical Record Officer for Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 17-06-2019
787 Merit list for the post of Nursing Sister for Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 17-06-2019
788 Merit list for the post of Nursing Superintendent for Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 17-06-2019
789 Merit list for the post of OT Technician for Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 17-06-2019
790 Merit list for the post of Radiographer for Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 17-06-2019
791 Merit list for the post of Stenographer for Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 17-06-2019
792 Merit list for the post of X Ray Technician for Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 17-06-2019
793 Merit list for the post of Staff Nurse for Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 17-06-2019
794 Merit list for the post of Assistant Grade III for Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 17-06-2019
795 Sanshodhit Vigyapti Suchna - Super Specialty Hospital Jabalpur 15-06-2019
796 Superspecialty hospital jabalpur ke rikt padon par bharti hetu shaikshnik yogyata ke sambandh me 12-06-2019
797 Advertisement of School of Excellence in Pulmonary Medicine NSCB Medical College Jabalpur for the post of Professor and Assistant Professor 11-06-2019
798 Advertisement notice for in house recruitment(seemit vigyapti) for the post of Prof and Assoc Prof 03-06-2019
799 Advertisement for the post of Prof and Assoc Prof (Seemit Vigyapti) 03-06-2019
800 Joining Order - PEB group 4 Asst grade 3, Steno typist and other post 01-06-2019
801 Sanshodhit vigyapti BASLP 28-05-2019
802 Sanshodhit Vigyapti for the post of Staff Nurse in Super specialty Hospital 28-05-2019
803 BASLP Walk in interview for the post of Asst Prof Audiology and Speech Language Pathologist Grade II 27-05-2019
804 SR.JR Interview Cancellation Order 27-05-2019
805 Extension of date for form submission by faculties for Super specialty Hospital 24-05-2019
806 Amendment for the post of Prof.,Assoc.Prof. and Asstt.Prof.of Anesthesia Neurosurgery in Superspecialty Hospital 23-05-2019
807 Super Specialty Hospital, Advertisement for the post of Superintendent,Prof, Assoc. Prof. & Asst Prof 13-05-2019
808 SR/JR interview 29/05/2019 13-05-2019
809 School of excellence in Pulmonary Medicine - Medical Officer. Advt. 23-04-2019
810 School of excellence in Pulmonary Medicine- for the post of Director-Professor. Advt. 23-04-2019
811 School of excellence in Pulmonary Medicine- for faculty post. Advt. 23-04-2019
812 Extension of applying date for walk in Interview for the post of Junior Medical Officer and Technician 08-03-2019
813 Extension of applying date for walk in Interview for the post of Junior Medical Officer and Technician 05-03-2019
814 Advertisement for the post of Junior Medical Officer and Technician for Project Work 01-03-2019
815 Selection List of Asstt. Professors (Interview held on 14nth of February 2019 ) 15-02-2019
816 Eligibility list of Asst Professor for interview 14-02-2019
818 S R & J R Walk in Interview on 06/02/2019 30-01-2019
819 Asst. Prof. Post and Speech Language Pathologist Post adv. for BASLP Course Walk in Interview on 13.02.2019 30-01-2019
820 Partial amendment in Madhya Pradesh Superspecialty Hospital, Medical Teacher Model Service Rule 2018 23-01-2019
821 List of selected candidate- SSB 22-01-2019
822 Neuroendoscopy fellowship result 22-01-2019
823 Eligibility list of faculty for Super Specialty Interview 21.01.2019 17-01-2019
824 Super speciality advt 07-01-2019
825 Super speciality advt 07-01-2019
826 Group IV advertisement 07-01-2019
827 Cancellation 01-01-2019
828 SR JR Interview 29-12-2018
829 Sanshodhan Adhishthata vigyapti 17-12-2018
830 Sanshodhan Adhikshak vigyapti 17-12-2018
831 Sanshodhan Faculty Vigyapti 17-12-2018
832 Super speciality sanshodhan Non teaching 17-12-2018
833 Super speciality advt, corrigendum 06-12-2018
834 Super speciality advt, Sanshodhan 06-12-2018
835 Dean recruitment 27-11-2018
836 Superintendent recruitment 27-11-2018
837 Super speciality advt sanshodhan 27-11-2018
838 SR JR Interview 20-11-2018
839 Super speciality advt 19-11-2018
840 Neurosurgery 19-11-2018
841 Neurosurgery 19-11-2018
842 Super speciality advt faculty 19-11-2018
843 Faculty Advt NSCB MC 19-11-2018
844 Dr Sohail Siddiqui order 14-11-2018
845 SR JR Interview 13-10-2018
846 SR interview 25-09-2018
847 Super speciality interview result 12-09-2018
848 Medical officer recruitment 12-09-2018
849 Medical officer recruitment 10-09-2018
850 Super speciality interview 07-09-2018
851 Library recruitment 07-09-2018
852 Prof and Asso Prof Interview inhouse result 04-09-2018
853 Prof and Asso Prof Interview inhouse 01-09-2018
854 Super speciality interview 31-08-2018
855 SR JR interview 28-08-2018
856 Super speciality Vigyapti 25-08-2018
857 Super speciality Vigyapti 13-08-2018
858 Super speciality adarsh bharti niyam 13-08-2018
859 Associate Prof and Prof vigyapti sanshodhit 10-08-2018
860 SR JR interview 04-08-2018
861 Associate Prof and Prof vigyapti 04-08-2018
863 SR, JR INTERVIEW 17-07-2018
864 S.R. and J.R. walk-in interview 16-07-2018
866 S.R. Interview 03-07-2018
867 Interview Result 13.6.18 14-06-2018
868 List of selected candidate 2 14-06-2018
869 List of selected candidate 1 13-06-2018
870 Eligible candidate 2 12-06-2018
871 Interview Date 11-06-2018
872 Eligible candidate 1 11-06-2018
873 Interview Notice 06-06-2018
874 Revised Advertisement of Assistant professors & Demonstrators 30-05-2018
875 SR interview 29-05-2018
876 Senior Resident Advertisement 29-05-2018
877 SR JR एंड BASLP 04-05-2018
878 SR interview 04-05-2018
879 Asst Prof Simit Vigyapti 23-04-2018
880 SR Interview 23-04-2018
881 BASLP Vigyapti 08-04-2018
882 Simit Vigyapti Asso Prof and Prof 03-04-2018
883 SR interview 26th March 27-03-2018
884 Sanshodhit simit vigyapti Prof and Associate Professor 21-03-2018
885 Aadesh Simit Vigyapti Sakshatkar Parinam 21-03-2018
886 Simit Vigyapti Asso Prof and Prof 14-03-2018
887 Addendum Simit Vigyapti Prof and Asso Prof 14-03-2018
888 SR Mar 2018 12-03-2018
889 BPT teaching post 27-02-2018
890 Senior Resident Advt 22nd Feb 2018 24-02-2018
891 SR 19 Jan 2018 22-01-2018
892 Recruitment 03-01-2018
893 सीनियर रेसिडेंट के रिक्त पदों हेतु निम्नलिखित विभागों में 1 वर्ष की नियोक्ति... 12-12-2017
894 SR 12th December 2017 Notification 12-12-2017
895 SR JR Walk in Interview dated 21-10-2021 31-12-1969

Neta ji Subhas Chandra Bose Medical College & Hospital

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